
Dear Pope Francis: Please help us fight the ‘spiritual Holocaust’ of gay unions on US trip


Dear Pope Francis,

On behalf of my coreligionists, I convey our heartfelt appreciation for your recent comments criticizing the Allies’ failure to bomb the railroad tracks leading to the concentration camps during the Holocaust.

Over three decades of addressing the March for Life in Washington, D.C., I have had occasion to defend distinguished prelates such as the late Cardinal John O’Connor who used the term “Holocaust” to refer to the horrific plague of abortion. I realize that the use of this term by Christians is not an attempt to downplay the uniquely evil savagery of lining up millions of naked grandparents, parents and children and machine gunning them into open pits, or marching them into gas chambers. Rather, it is a desperate attempt to reach for a terminology which conveys the unspeakable horror of the elimination of scores of millions of preborn babies, which G-d Himself calls murder in Genesis 9:6.

I wish to share a 2,000 year-old crucial teaching which places even the horror of mass murder, abortion, and the Holocaust in a different light:

What can possibly be worse than the murder of an innocent? The Rabbis teach us that introducing a person into licentiousness and promiscuity is a greater spiritual transgression than murdering him! For murder only terminates “this worldly” life, while one who is introduced, encouraged or supported in promiscuous behavior is being eliminated “spiritually” in this world and the next! The misbehavior may well be passed down by the sinner to future generations, as well as to other associates. Thus one may posit that encouraging and codifying promiscuity is a “spiritual” Holocaust!

For if he who saves an individual saves a world (i.e., potential progeny, etc.); one may argue that debauching an individual, and G-d forbid, a society, is spiritually akin to destroying many worlds.

Thus the Orthodox Jewish Community is very much in sync with the March 28, 2003 document authored/approved by your two direct predecessors.

“Legal recognition of homosexual unions… (is) the approval of deviant behavior, with the consequence of making it a model in present day society.”

The statement continues with a charge to defend traditional marriage — applying to all of society and in particular the Church —and to oppose same-gender unions (and certainly “marriage”), and even if such a law passes, to oppose it, as the document refers to this as a “duty to witness to the truth.”

We further salute the pontiff for his 2010 statement regarding proposed same gender marriage in Argentina as “destructive of the plan of G-d.”

Esteemed pontiff, on behalf of billions of people worldwide who are horrified by the manifold negative ramifications of legalized same gender marriage or “unions” which not even the residents of Sodom had the Chutzpah/temerity to codify, we beseech you to vigorously, consistently and unequivocally echo your distinguished predecessors’ statements, theology and philosophy, both here while visiting America, and during the upcoming Synod and beyond it in Rome.

Only an equal and opposite reaction to immorality, expressed most especially by religious leaders and followers, can help us return to His values and avoid further catastrophe.

With hope and respect,

Rabbi Yehuda Levin


I am absolutely jealous of Kim Davis


Rabbi Yehuda Levin, a high-profile Orthodox Jewish rabbi and long-time defender of life and family spoke with LifeSiteNews prior to the release of Kim Davis, the Kentucky county clerk imprisoned for refusing to issue same-gender “marriage” licenses.  “On a theological basis, I am absolutely jealous of this woman, every minute she sits in prison to honor God’s name she obtains an immense heavenly reward,” said Rabbi Levin.

Levin, a Brooklyn rabbi with a weekly radio show who is the official spokesman for the 850-member Rabbinical Alliance of America told LifeSiteNews that Davis has received “a personal email from a very distinguished head of a rabbinical court in New Jersey court on behalf of 1500 Orthodox jewish families.”

“Kim Davis,” he said, “is giving us, the entire country, another opportunity to make a reckoning of what is happening here.” What’s happening, he said is “homo-fascist bullying.”  He added, “This just has to be called out for what it is.”

Rabbi Levin expressed his disappointment and concern in the millions of Americans who are silent at this crucial time when “we are already at the tipping point into the depths of Sodom.” Even Sodom, he added, “did not have the  temerity and the chutzpah (as we say in Jewish) to codify same gender marriage. … As bad as they were and they were -- destroyed because of sodomy -- they nevertheless never codified same gender ‘marriage.’”

God sends us messages and we should be paying attention, Rabbi Levin said, calling attention to current events he sees as warnings from heaven:

  • The FBI tells us there are terrorist groups ready to act in America;
  • Planned Parenthood is busy almost in Nazi like way selling body parts;
  • the US economically is on the brink of crisis;
  • there are numerous fires and floods.

According to Rabbi Levin, Davis is an ambassador of God through her self-sacrifice and by her acts is trying to wake up the nation to oppose “the homo-fascist bullying in it’s ugliest form.”

“Those people could have gone to any number of clerks who would marry them,” however, he said, "they want to crush any little resistance any packet of fealty and fidelity to God.”


Rabbi Levin: Hurricane: Global Warming or G-d’s Warning?


For Immediate Release
                                                                                                Nov. 2, 2012
                                                                                                Contact: Rabbi Yehuda Levin

Rabbi Levin: Hurricane: Global Warming or G-d’s Warning?

            Tens of billions in losses, 50 dead, scientists say that Sandy is the worst N.Y. hurricane in 800 years!  Some insurance policies still call this kind of occurance an ACT OF G-D. But where are our religio-conservative leaders to interpret what’s happening?

            Remember when Dr. Falwell and Dr. Pat Robertson attributed 9/11 to the homosexual agenda and abortion?  Guess our leaders have a huge problem doing that now.
            After all, the dirty secret they don’t tell us is that Romney supports homosexual adoption and Boy Scout leaders, homosexualization of the military, “domestic partnerships”/civil unions, homosexual K-12 mandated school curricula, homosexual youth day proclaimations, $50 taxpayer funded abortion in Massachussetts, and the list goes on. (Google Romney Deception and MassResistance.com).

            Here’s a question for Billy and Franklin Graham and all the religio-conservative leadership:
            Would your grandparents have ever dreamed of voting for Romney, if they had been aware of his atrocious pro-homosexual, pro-abortion record?  So has G-d changed?  Why aren’t you letting your followers know the truth?

            Here’s a traditional Jewish/Torah approach to the hurricane and the election:
1-G-d multitasks.  There are probably various reasons for the hurricane.  Each person should repent for his/her personal shortcomings.
2-Days after same gender marriage began in New York, we were hit by Hurricane Irene.  Days before the national election, (no significant repentance in NY or anywhere in the US,) Hurricane Sandy hits, further damaging our fragile economy.  In 2 days:  An earthquake in California, an “almost” tsunami in Alaska, Hawaii and Hurricane Sandy in the East.  Sleep on…
3-Daily, millions of Jews recite Psalms 147 & 148: (147)”He who dispatches His utterance earthward; how swiftly His Commandment runs! He who gives snow…scatters frost…hurls His ice…before His cold, who can stand?...He blows His wind…the water flows…”
(148) ‘He issued a decree, that will not change.  Praise G-d from the earth, sea giants and all the watery depths.  Fire & hail, snow & vapor, STORMY WIND FULFILLING HIS WORD!”

            History repeats itself.  (Genesis 6:11-12) The flood of Noah: And the earth was corrupted (liscentiousness) before G-d…And G-d saw…all flesh had perverted its way on the earth.”  Heterosexual excesses and homosexual misbehavior and unions (and thievery) were the final causes of the Flood.

            What should G-d fearing people do?

  1. Repent personal and communal transgressions.
  2. Defeat pro-homosexual union legislation and referenda especially in the states of Maine, Maryland, Minnesota and Washington.
  3. Do not vote for any candidate who supports an anti-G-d or anti-family agenda or legislation.

      If Obama wins and the Senate is Republican, they can act as a strong loyal opposition, hindering much of the Obama agenda.  However, if Romney (a wolf in sheep’s clothing) wins, even a Republican Congress will not significantly oppose Romney’s anti-family efforts.  The results would be morally and spiritually catastrophic.  It could be the end of the religio-conservative movement!

  1. Urge your conservative and religious leaders to speak out and lead!

Forward this statement to your e-mail lists and urge them to do the same.  We must defend His values.

            Rabbi Levin is available for interviews, etc., except for the Sabbath: Fri 5 PM-Sat 7PM EST.

            Over the last 3 decades, Rabbi Yehuda Levin has addressed the annual March for Life in Washington, D.C.  Levin ran for Mayor of New York in 1985 and has often represented the Union of Orthodox Rabbis and the Rabbinical Alliance of America, though he is not doing so for this op-ed.


My Cup Runneth Over -Rabbi Levin's Song For Rosh Hashana/New Year



Leading Orthodox rabbi slams Jewish Conservatives’ gay ‘marriage’ vote



Tue Jun 05, 2012 15:21 ESTComments (22)Tags: Gay Marriage, Judaism, Yehuda Levin

WASHINGTON, June 5, 2012 (LifeSiteNews.com) — After leaders in the Conservative Jewish community voted to officially endorse gay marriage rituals, one leading Orthodox rabbi has said the move is “depraved” and “turning everything holy on its head.”

Last week, guidelines for performing same-sex “marriages” were voted on by the Jewish Conservatives’ highest legal body, the Rabbinical Assembly’s Committee on Jewish Law and Standards. The guidelines passed in a 13-0 vote, with one rabbi abstaining.

Rabbi Yehuda Levin

“We acknowledge that these partnerships are distinct from those discussed in the Talmud as ’according to the law of Moses and Israel,’ but we celebrate them with the same sense of holiness and joy as that expressed in heterosexual marriages,” the approved document says.

The approval by the Conservative branch of Judaism in the United States of gay unions follows on the prior support of the Reform and Reconstructionist branches.
But Rabbi Levin—an Orthodox Jewish leader who often functions as a spokesman for the Rabbinical Alliance of America and the Union of Orthodox Rabbis of the U.S. and Canada—told LifeSiteNews that he is ashamed of the “depravity” and “total cravenness” of the vote.

The decision of the Rabbinical Assembly, Rabbi Levin said, reveals that “the ultra liberal Jewish crazies - who have long since abandoned any semblance of their great grand-fathers’ religion - pursue every political zeitgeist and have to run to get in front of the wagon as it hurtles down towards Sodom.”

The new guidelines allow for two kinds of gay wedding, as well as outline stipulations on homosexual divorce. To Rabbi Levin, the fact that any kind of gay union should be endorsed in the name of Judaism, in unconscionable. “Even pagans in ancient times realized how inappropriate same-gender marriage was,” he declared.

According to the Rabbinical Assembly’s website, homosexual rabbinical students helped to draft the new guidelines. “As treasured members of our community,” states the Rabbinical Assembly’s website, “they are most directly affected by the proposed new liturgy and we sought their guidance.” http://www.rabbinicalassembly.org/story/grappling-tradition

“We normal religious people have to see from all this craziness,” said Rabbi Levin, “that He [God] is sending us a message to look at ‘them’—the liberal crazies—and redouble our spiritual efforts to do proactively, loudly, and clearly, just the opposite.”
Originally posted on LifeSiteNews