Brooklyn, NY - A pro-family Orthodox Jewish rabbi is concerned that a potential Republican vice-presidential candidate has appointed an open homosexual to his state’s supreme court.
New Jersey Governor Chris Christie (R) has announced he will nominate Bruce Harris to one of the two openings on the state’s high court. But he has also told legislators that he would veto a proposed Senate bill legalizing same-sex “marriage” in the state. He is encouraging those who support such unions to let the New Jersey voters decide.
“Let’s put the question of same-sex marriage on the ballot this fall in the hands of the people, the time when the most people will be voting—the presidential election year,” he urged.
But New York City Rabbi Yehuda Levin says something is wrong with Christie appointing the homosexual judge, then calling for the people to decide the issue.
“You’re either with us or against us; you can’t be halfway,” he contends. “And Christie is not a strong social conservative. He’s a social moderate, and this is unacceptable.”
Levin is also concerned that Christie, who is a supporter of presidential hopeful Mitt Romney, has already been mentioned as a possible running mate for the former Massachusetts governor.
“This is Romney’s friend. He’s doing just like Romney—everything short of homosexual ‘marriage,’” the rabbi notes. “Romney has to be defeated at any cost, or we know what kind of Supreme Court nominees he will appoint and how that will impact on our country for decades to come.”
Levin believes a Romney-Christie ticket would be focused on the economy, but he says no amount of financial tinkering can save a country that is morally bankrupt.
( - More than 850 Jewish clergymen say former Gov. Mitt Romney is “a dangerous homosexualist” – and are calling on churches and church leaders in South Carolina to examine the records of the Republican candidates on homosexuality and on social values.
“America’s fate will likely be determined in the South Carolina presidential primary, Jan. 21,” the rabbis said in a news release.
“The man who the voters choose will probably become the Republican presidential nominee, the man charged with defeating President Obama and reversing the moral and economic freefall he and his allies have encouraged.”
Rabbi Yehuda Levin, spokesman for the Jewish clergymen, said the rabbis see the South Carolina primary as America’s “Nineveh” moment.
“The famous story in the Bible of the prophet Jonah, who received a prophecy and he went to Nineveh, he told them – ‘In 40 days you are going to be destroyed because of your wickedness,’ because of your evil, because of your good old-fashioned immorality. And the people repented – that’s the story of Jonah,” Levin told
The Orthodox Jewish religious leaders, members of the 70-year-old Rabbinical Alliance of America, are calling on South Carolina churches to reject Romney.
“In a recent televised Republican presidential debate, Gov. Romney, a dangerous homosexualist, boasted that he will continue to pander to the lowest elements of American society in many areas, including appointment to the (Supreme) court,” the rabbis wrote.
“This bodes very ill for those with future Supreme Court appointments in terms of the militant homosexual agenda. And basically, what we perceive at this point – the New York Orthodox Jewish Community – to be a very, very much anti-religious, anti-traditional values bent of the courts system. This could impact upon us literally for decades to come.”
On Jan. 8, during the NBC News-Facebook debate, Romney had the following exchange with Andy Hiller, a reporter for the NBC affiliate in Boston:
MR. ANDY HILLER: Governor Romney, I'd like to remind you of something you said in Bay Windows, which is a gay newspaper in Massachusetts, in 1994 when you were running against Senator Kennedy. These are your words: “I think the gay community needs more support from the Republican Party, and I would be a voice in the Republican Party to foster anti-discrimination efforts.” How have you stood up for gay rights and when have you used your voice to influence Republicans on this issue?
GOV. ROMNEY: Andy, as you know, I don't discriminate. And in the appointments that I made when I was governor of Massachusetts, a member of my Cabinet was gay. I appointed people to the bench, regardless of their sexual orientation, made it very clear that, in my view, we should not discriminate in hiring policies, in legal policies. At the same time, from the very beginning in 1994, I said to the gay community, "I do not favor same-sex marriage." I oppose same-sex marriage, and that has been my, my view. But, but if people are looking for someone who, who will discriminate against gays or will in any way try and suggest that people that, that have different sexual orientation don't have full rights in this country, they won't find that in me.
MR. HILLER: When's the last time you stood up and spoke out for increasing gay rights?
FMR. GOV. ROMNEY: Right now.
The orthodox rabbis, meanwhile -- who say they are speaking as individuals, not as a group -- complained that the news media, even conservative media, have ignored the social positions of Romney and other candidates
“The scary part is not that Romney ‘came out of the closet’ politically, but that the (Sean) Hannitys and (Rush) Limbaughs failed us by not discussing the implications of Romney’s stance,” Levin said. “Endless defense of ‘Capitalism’ for days on end; nary 10 minutes about morality and Supreme Court nominations. FOR SHAME!”
Levin and his fellow rabbis called on South Carolina to reject Romney.
“If America is to regain G-D’s grace and rebuild our ruined economy, it is crucial that South Carolina actively reject Governor Romney’s previous record and future aspirations. Choose the right man. The man who has lived and shares our Biblical values, the moral man with the uncompromising moral positions who will thus bring G-D’s blessings, once again, to our society.
“America is on the brink of collapse economically and morally,” the rabbis said. “Capitalism alone can not save it. No amount of financial tinkering can save a country which is morally bankrupt-that is what we learn from the decline and fall of the great empires of history.
“America became great, because it acknowledged G-D in every aspect of its public life-on the dollar bill, on public buildings, and in the schools-G-D as the author of America’s liberty and national success. G-dly values comprised the public and private moral code of America and Americans.
“And G-D blessed this nation with an abundance of wealth and greatness unparalleled in human history.
“But, over the last 50 years, secular libertines have succeeded in gradually excluding G-D and His moral code and value from the public square-from our schools, from our law, and from our public institutions.
“It is up to the religious leaders and followers of South Carolina and other primary states to elevate the moral records of the candidates to the “primary” position of importance. Heed the message of Nineveh: We do right by G-D, He will do right by us!
“The time is short. We are being judged. Will we choose wisely?”
Calls and e-mails to the Romney campaign for comment over a two day period yielded only one brief telephone response asking to e-mail the national campaign spokesperson. No response has been forthcoming.
Rabbis on Romney Meanwhile, an alliance of 850 Orthodox Jewish rabbis has issued a plea to church leaders and church-goers in South Carolina not to support Mitt Romney for the Republican presidential nomination. The Rabbinical Alliance of America is concerned about Mitt Romney's pro-homosexual leanings, including his recent statement to the Des Moines Register that if elected president he would not work to reinstate the ban on homosexual military service. Alliance spokesman Yehuda Levin believes Romney could be more dangerous to the pro-family cause than Barack Obama because a GOP-controlled Congress would not want to fight a President Romney on social issues. (Listen to audio report) "There would not be a loyal opposition to Romney," says Levin, "and he would do as much or more damage than Obama -- [and] we all know where he stands on these issues." Levin does not agree with those who say if it comes down to Romney versus Obama, they would vote for Romney. "The vote then becomes something that I'm not obligated to do," explains the rabbi. "If it's a support and endorsement of a quasi-evil, a quasi-poisoner of the wellsprings which is enough to poison our kids, I don't have to do it." Levin says for Christians to stand by and not reject Mitt Romney would be akin to "spiritually shooting our children and grandchildren in the feet." People of faith, he says, must take a stand in South Carolina and the next few states.
January 18, 2011 ( - A coalition that includes black pastors and pro-family organizations held a protest outside the headquarters of the Southern Poverty Law Center yesterday to protest the organization’s ongoing “slander” against pro-family organizations.
The Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), which has traditionally sought to counteract racist organizations in the south, has recently begun to categorize pro-family groups as “hate groups” for opposing the homosexual political agenda and condemning homosexual behavior as immoral.
Groups condemned as “hateful” by the SPLC include The Illinois Family Institute, Mass Resistance, Abiding Truth Ministries, and Americans for Truth About Homosexuality, all of which appeared at the protest or made supporting statements. The Family Research Council has also been condemned by the SPLC.
Among the African-American pastors protesting at SPLC headquarters were Pastor Glen Sawyer, of the Mt. Zion Church of God in Christ (Camden, North Carolina), Pastor Wil Nichols, Victorious Praise Fellowship (Durham, North Carolina), Pastor Jon Robinson, Kingdom C.O.M.E. Ministries (Clairton, Pennsylvania), and Pastor Kenneth Jefferson of Greater Harvest.
Pastor Patrick Wooden, who was interviewed before the protest by Peter LaBarbara of Americans For Truth About Homosexuality, said that he was saddened by the SPLC’s deviation from its historic role of defending racial minorities in favor of defending the homosexual lobby.
“It breaks my heart that a time-honored civil rights organization that has done so much good, would, for whatever reason, whether it is for financial considerations, or for whatever reason, buy into this lie,” Wooden said.
“At the end of the day they know better. And for any civil rights organization to label any other group a ‘hate group’ because they are pro-family, that they believe in the model that the God of the Bible designed and introduced—it is sad, and they are wrong,” he added.
“I think every African-American ought to be appalled, ought to be angry, and begin to wave their fist in the air and declare black power and say to the homosexual lobbyists, the homosexual groups, how dare you compare your wicked, deviant, immoral, self-destructive, anti-human sexual behavior to our beautiful skin color,” Wooden also said.
In addition to the above-mentioned organizations, Rabbi Yeshuda Levin of the Rabbinical Alliance of America and Matt Barber of Liberty Counsel Action joined their voices to the protest, along with several other pro-family groups.
“In the past few years the SPLC has inexplicably chosen to lay on the line any credibility it once had as a serious civil rights advocacy group to, instead, push a left-wing extremist political agenda,” said Barber.
“The SPLC has moved from monitoring actual hate groups like the KKK and Neo Nazis to slandering mainstream Christian organizations with that very same ‘hate group’ label. By extension, the SPLC is smearing billions of Christians and Jews worldwide as ‘haters,’ simply because they embrace the traditional Judeo-Christian sexual ethic.
“It’s a shame that an organization which once supported the noble vision of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. would, today, engage in anti-Christian bigotry of a kind MLK would have, no doubt, detested. What’s most troubling is that there are actually law enforcement agencies around the country that still use the SPLC’s ‘hate group’ resources. I encourage all law enforcement to discard the SPLC as it has discarded any semblance of objectivity and usefulness. Today’s SPLC is simply a well-funded,” concluded Barber.
We all remember the story of Jonah and Nineveh. The prophet warned that G-D had decreed the destruction of the city in forty days. America’s fate will likely be determined in the South Carolina Presidential Primary January 21. The man who the voters choose will probably become the Republican Presidential nominee, the man charged with defeating President Obama and reversing the moral and economic freefall he and his allies have encouraged. One leading candidate is a businessman whose basic concern is money and power. In a recent televised Republican presidential debate, Governor Romney, a dangerous homosexualist, boasted that he will continue to pander to the lowest elements of American society in many areas, including appointment to the (Supreme) court(s). The scary part is not that Romney “came out of the closet” politically, but that the Hanittys and Limbaughs failed us by not discussing the implications of Romney’s stance. Endless defense of “Capitalism” for days on end; nary 10 minutes about morality and Supreme Court nominations. FOR SHAME!
Another candidate in that debate took the opposite position. He condemned the murder of defenseless babies, openly defied the rampant immorality promoted in the media, etc., and clearly pointed out the connection between America’s financial and military success and its historical commitment to the Biblical principles of jurisprudence and morality. (Compare this to Romney’s homosexualist record chronicled in Amy Contrada’s book, “Mitt Romney’s Deception”, and Romneycare funding of Planned Parenthood abortion.)
If America is to regain G-D’s grace and rebuild our ruined economy, it is crucial that South Carolina actively reject Governor Romney’s previous record and future aspirations. Choose the right man. The man who has lived and shares our Biblical values, the moral man with the uncompromising moral positions who will thus bring G-D’s blessings, once again, to our society.
America is on the brink of collapse economicly and morally. Capitalism alone can not save it. No amount of financial tinkering can save a country which is morally bankrupt-that is what we learn from the decline and fall of the great empires of history.
America became great, because it acknowledged G-D in every aspect of its public life-on the dollar bill, on public buildings, and in the schools-G-D as the author of America’s liberty and national success. G-dly values comprised the public and private moral code of America and Americans.
And G-D blessed this nation with an abundance of wealth and greatness unparalleled in human history.
But, over the last 50 years, secular libertines have succeeded in gradually excluding G-D and His moral code and value from the public square-from our schools, from our law, and from our public institutions.
It is up to the religious leaders and followers of South Carolina and other primary states to elevate the moral records of the candidates to the “primary” position of importance. Heed the message of Nineveh: We do right by G-D, He will do right by us!
The time is short. We are being judged. Will we choose wisely?
The above represents the feelings of many Rabbis in their capacity as private religious citizens. Nothing above is to be construed as an organizational endorsement. It is rather a plea to leaders to emphasize the records and statements of various candidates with regard to the moral issues and Supreme Court appointments.
Please email this plea to as many leaders and friends as possible. G-D bless!