
Romney Denounced by 850 + Rabbis


בנשיאות הרה”ג ר אברהם דוב העכט שליט”א

Rabbinical Alliance of America

305 Church Avenue, Second Floor
Brooklyn, New York 11218-3105 U.S.A.
Tel. 212-242-6420 Fax. 212-255-8313

                                                                                    FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE
                                                                                    Contact: RABBI YEHUDA LEVIN
                                                                                                (718) 569-8438

850 Plus Rabbis at Chanukah Conclave Denounce Romney as a “Dangerous Homosexualist Urge Mormon Church to Sanction Him

At a special Chanukah conclave, The Rabbinical Alliance of America, a 70 year old organization of over 850 Orthodox Jewish Rabbis in the United States and Canada, serving approximately one half-million religious Jews, has condemned the decades long pro-homosexual record of former Governor Mitt Romney.

            Spokesman Rabbi Yehuda Levin declared that “Chanukah commemorates the defeat of the Syrian Greek efforts to impose their pagan culture on the Jewish people.  The Jews rejected the intergenerational homosexual activity which was a prominent aspect of the Syrian Greek culture. 

While our organization does not make any endorsements of political candidates, in view of the disastrous national decline in morality, we are compelled to condemn Mitt Romney’s support and promotion of the immoral homosexual lifestyle and agenda.  While we sympathize with those challenged by homosexual urges, or a desire for minors or adultery, they all remain prohibited activities that debase the practitioners and demoralize society. Governor Romney over a long political career has earned the title: ‘Dangerous Homosexualist’-one who constantly advances the militant anti-religious, anti-society, immoral homosexual agenda to the detriment of family people.

            A highly detailed exposé of Romney’s decade long proactive advancement of the homosexual agenda can be found in Amy Contrada’s book: “Mitt Romney’s Deception”.  When Romney ran against Senator Ted Kennedy he wrote a letter pledging to outdo the ultra-liberal Senator in his fealty to advancing the homosexual agenda.   Governor Romney also issued a proclamation “celebrating” gay youth pride.  Romney kept his promise.

            If one has the same wife for decades and a beautiful family personally, but advances a corrupt ideology which runs counter to his own religion and destroys the religious cultural values of society, he is like a Rabbi who says; ‘I would never eat pork but I will force-feed pig to thousands of people.’  Pig remains not kosher and he too is not kosher.

            We plead with other religious denominations, most particularly the Mormon Church which maintains a traditional view regarding the homosexual agenda, to examine Romney’s record and join us in sanctioning him.  The time has certainly come for other denominations to emulate the manifesto of the Central Rabbinical Congress of the U.S. and Canada which, in the early 80’s, prohibited voting for, honoring or supporting pro-homosexual agenda politicians.

            Furthermore, religious people should realize that the increasing homosexualization of society increases the likelihood of Sanduski-like child abuse.  Craven politicians like Mitt Romney should not be empowered to destroy the moral fiber of our country.  They must be held accountable, RIGHT NOW!”


Rabbi Levin on the Front Page of Aol

The link goes to this video posted on the huffingtonpost:

Link to the original unedited video.


G-D, homosexuality & earthquakes



Refuting Homosexualist Young Turk Cenk

I present to you Cenk, the Homosexualist Young Turk Commentator, who recieved over 250,000 views (at the time of this posting) of his fallacious pro same gender video message.

(DAH MAH L'HOSHIV... If you live in Marryland, many clergy didn't know this information.)
My response:


Rabbis Censuring Councilman David Greenfield Pro-Abortion Vote


On March 2, 011 Ultra Orthodox Greenfield voted with liberal NYC Council Members to in effect neuter the effectiveness of crisis pregnancy centers, which saved 40,000 (!) pre-born babies since their inception! SHAME ON GREENFIELD!!!

איגוד הרבנים דאמריקא

Rabbinical Alliance of America

927 Fifty First Street, Brooklyn, New York 11219-3317 U.S.A.

Tel. 718-871-0913, Fax. 718-851-4600, Email: yeshiva613@aol.com

Rabbi Abraham B. Hecht

Rabbi Herschel Kurzrock

Rabbi Gershon Tannenbaum


Rosh Beth Din


For Immediate Release

March 9, 2011

Contact: Rabbi Yehuda Levin

(718) 569-8438

Councilman Greenfield Defies His G-d and His Constituents with His Pro-Abortion Vote; We Demand A Retraction Or Else!

Earlier this week, the Rabbinical Alliance of America expressed their outrage at Councilman David Greenfield of Boro Park, for joining with ultra-Liberals to pass measure 371 which will in effect increase abortions in the city by “handcuffing” pro-life crisis pregnancy centers.

The Alliance is a 70 year old national Rabbinic organization (Igud Harabonim) consisting of over 850 Rabbis scores of whom reside in New York & Brooklyn.

Rabbi Yehuda Levin, Rabbinical Alliance Spokesman stated: “Every Orthodox Jew knows that abortion on demand with the rarest of exceptions (such as life of the mother) is prohibited in the strongest terms. Thus, for Greenfield to represent one of the largest Orthodox constituencies outside of Israel, and reject his own Orthodox upbringing and the will of his Torah adhering constituents is a mega scandal. Which Rabbi permitted him to vote for something that the Talmud and Maimonides rule may be the equivalent of murder? Is Greenfield representing Greenwich Village or Boro Park?

When Mr. Greenfield did not actively support a tax abatement for Moisha’s Supermarket, we were quiet. When Mr. Greenfield did not support funding various organizations in Boro Park, we were silent. We are a Rabbinic organization and try to stay out of local politics. But when David Greenfield, a newcomer office holder, has the “chutzpah” to do what no local Orthodox office holder would do, stand our Torah Right to Life mandate on its head, we dare not countenance his desecration of our G-d’s values. It’s bad enough we suffer the pain of having irreligious Jews like Councilman Lander or Israel vote for more abortion/pre born baby killing, should we allow Greenfield to burnish his Liberal credentials, or curry favor with the radical city Council leadership at the expense of our most basic moral values? We say absolutely not!

Should Greenfield try to rationalize that he voted as a quid pro-quo to obtain support for other community needs, we declare: Don’t support our community, through the blood of innocent babies. That’s blood money.

If Councilman Greenfield does not publicly retract and denounce his own vote and publicly pledge to consult and abide by the advice of a prominent coalition of communal Rabbis, with regard to any legislation which touches upon morality, many constituents will begin now to look for an alternative City Councilman.

Mr. Greenfield, you have shamed our G-d, our community and revealed yourself to be a dangerous person. We demand you make amends now!”


Addendum for the Frum Community:

We respectfully but urgently call upon the Torah leadership of Boro Park and New York (Chilul Hashem recognizes no boundaries) to reign in David Greenfield and assure this never happens again.

We respectfully address our plea to the following Rabonim and Organizations: The esteemed Bobover and Satmar Rabbeim, Agudah, the Hisachdus, the Novominsker Rebbe, the Skulener Rebbe, the Tosher Dayan, the Karlsburger Rav, Rav Bick, and every other Rav and Askan who is concerned with Kovod Shomayim and morality. Simply put, we are seeing the growth of a politician who represents a danger to us. Now is the time to deal with him and put him in his place.


Rabbi Yehuda Levin


Anti-Jewish Play... Continued

In response to a letter I wrote a high school student wrote the following:

I am a student at Concord Carlisle High School in Massachusetts, and in December of last year, my school put on a production of musical "Falsettos" which, if you are unfamiliar with the play, is about a Jewish family in New York experiencing troubles because of sexuality. There is a woman my town who believes that this play "defamed the Jewish religion and people" and is asking for a letter of apology to be written to the Rabbinical Alliance because we put on this play. I would like to know if you find this play offensive toward your religion. Personally, I don't see anything in it that should be taken offensively, but I'd like to know your opinion. It is a play about accepting people who are homosexual as people on equal terms  with heterosexual persons, so unless you find gays offensive, I see nothing in this play that condemns the Jewish faith. The woman running this petition is known to be a homophobic member of MassResistance, an anti-gay group based in Waltham. If this play is in any way offensive to you, I'm very sorry.Thank you for your time and consideration. 
Meghan G. 

Here is my response:
I wrote the letter. Jews are referred to in the bible as a nation of priests & holy people. we are told" be holy because i your God am holy." this " play" is pure smut & antithetical to bi blical values for which jews died in inquisitions holocaust etc. frankly i believe that devout moslem s & christians both of whom base major parts of their religions on our values & our torah would feel equally offended if their religion where debased in the play. i assume if this exact play would be about you , your parents , grandparents siblings, etc. & whatever religious or moral values you 'subscribe' to you or they [certainly your grandparents] would be outraged. nice of you to write ,but saying im sorry as if that is a magic wand which somehow erases the insult & the pain... it does not ,at all. furthermore to add insult to injury ,you act as judge & rule that unless we stand with the petition & mass resistance [we proudly do!] there's nothing else offensive about this , debased , debauched smut.this attitude reflects your obvious lack of elemental values which your own antecedents going back millennia adhered to.its quite immature& frankly very self centered in not being able to understand another group's pain or values. how sad.


Defunding Planned Parenthood Ain't Over Till It's REALLY Over


The congressional delegation to reconcile the defunding bill must be hard core and not capitulate.


Rabbi Levin Speaks at Pro-life March at Carhart's Clinic


Rabbi Levin Speaks at Press Conference: Randall Terry Announces Presiden...



Interview with Lawrence O'Donnell - MSNBC - The Last Word -"Holocaust"



Rabbi Levin's Speech at the March For Life 2011



Rabbi Levin at the Orange County NY RTL Dinner

Rabbi Levin speaks at the OCT, 2010 Right To Life Dinner