For Immediate Release
July 28, 2010
Contact: Rabbi Yehuda Levin
In advance of the July 29th homosexual parade scheduled to begin in a religious neighborhood in Jerusalem and conclude with a reception at the Israeli Parliament, the Knesset, Rabbi Yehuda Levin, spokesman for the 850 plus members of the 70-year-old Rabbinical Alliance of America, issued the following statement:
For years now the imperial judiciary of Israel has demonstrated a clear bias against things and people religious and the traditional values and heritage of a Jewish people described in the Torah (Bible) as a “Nation of Priests and a Holy People”. The Israeli Government aided by a socially libertine Supreme Court, which may be to the left of Elana Kagan, constantly denigrates the religious sensibilities and faith concerns of not only traditional Jews worldwide but global inter-religious faith communities that consider Israel to be the “Holy Land not the Homo Land”.
Most recently the mayor of Tel Aviv joined the Israeli Minister of Tourism to announce the funding of an initial 6-month outreach effort to attract homosexual tourists from France and Germany. So while the Torah state in Leviticus 18:22-30: “Let not the land vomit you out for having contaminated it” (with these abominations)…, the Israeli officials import as much deviance and immorality as they can, worldwide.
The latest outrage, the sodomy celebration in Jerusalem, specifically planned to begin in an ultra-religious neighborhood, is nothing less than the spiritual rape of the Holy Land with the active support of the Israeli State, her courts and her police. This is just the next stage of confronting and silencing religious opposition locally and worldwide.
This Perversion Pride Parade would never be countenanced in Mecca, the Vatican, Karbala, or Moscow, where the mayor and Russian Orthodox Patriarch vigorously oppose it. The “brave” “progressive” Israeli Government and Supreme Court would never dream of allowing the parade route to include Arab East Jerusalem or the Al Aksa Mosque. The Moslem community locally and worldwide would never tolerate this. Just ask Arab Knesset member Sheikh Ibrahim Sarsur. Thus we see the Israeli elite treating religious Jews with less respect than their Arab co-citizens.
We are further outraged by the deafening silence of over 30 religious members of the Knesset including: the Shas party, Agudath Israel, Degel Hatorah, and the National Religious Camp. Their taciturnity demonstrates de facto acquiescence to abomination thus spiritually endangering the residents of Israel who are surrounded by terrorists and enemies. This also spiritually jeopardizes Jews worldwide.
Several years ago, Knesset members Meir Porush and Uri Ariel laid down in front of the parade to demonstrate at least token opposition to this sacrilege (disgrace). Why can’t all religious and traditional office holders, national and local, gather for the glory of G-d and send a worldwide message of Defending the Holy Land? They are also guilty of not addressing this blasphemy with appropriate legislation. Shame on them!
We turn to Christian groups and leaders worldwide, i.e. the Vatican, the various Patriarchs, Focus on the Family, Family Research Council, etc., to stand up and defend G-d’s Courtyard by bombarding the Israeli Prime Minister, Government officials and the mayor of Jerusalem with constant protest.
As for the Rabbinical Alliance, we urge continuous pressure on the Israeli government by Christian and religious potential tourists until the Israeli homosexualists decide: IS ISRAEL TO BE THE WORLD CAPITAL OF HOLINESS OR HOMOSEXUALITY?
Backgrounder: Orthodox Jews in New York and New Jersey have been vigorously opposing this parade and religious Jews in Israel have had their petitions to the Supreme Court ignored.
July 28, 2010
Contact: Rabbi Yehuda Levin
In advance of the July 29th homosexual parade scheduled to begin in a religious neighborhood in Jerusalem and conclude with a reception at the Israeli Parliament, the Knesset, Rabbi Yehuda Levin, spokesman for the 850 plus members of the 70-year-old Rabbinical Alliance of America, issued the following statement:
For years now the imperial judiciary of Israel has demonstrated a clear bias against things and people religious and the traditional values and heritage of a Jewish people described in the Torah (Bible) as a “Nation of Priests and a Holy People”. The Israeli Government aided by a socially libertine Supreme Court, which may be to the left of Elana Kagan, constantly denigrates the religious sensibilities and faith concerns of not only traditional Jews worldwide but global inter-religious faith communities that consider Israel to be the “Holy Land not the Homo Land”.
Most recently the mayor of Tel Aviv joined the Israeli Minister of Tourism to announce the funding of an initial 6-month outreach effort to attract homosexual tourists from France and Germany. So while the Torah state in Leviticus 18:22-30: “Let not the land vomit you out for having contaminated it” (with these abominations)…, the Israeli officials import as much deviance and immorality as they can, worldwide.
The latest outrage, the sodomy celebration in Jerusalem, specifically planned to begin in an ultra-religious neighborhood, is nothing less than the spiritual rape of the Holy Land with the active support of the Israeli State, her courts and her police. This is just the next stage of confronting and silencing religious opposition locally and worldwide.
This Perversion Pride Parade would never be countenanced in Mecca, the Vatican, Karbala, or Moscow, where the mayor and Russian Orthodox Patriarch vigorously oppose it. The “brave” “progressive” Israeli Government and Supreme Court would never dream of allowing the parade route to include Arab East Jerusalem or the Al Aksa Mosque. The Moslem community locally and worldwide would never tolerate this. Just ask Arab Knesset member Sheikh Ibrahim Sarsur. Thus we see the Israeli elite treating religious Jews with less respect than their Arab co-citizens.
We are further outraged by the deafening silence of over 30 religious members of the Knesset including: the Shas party, Agudath Israel, Degel Hatorah, and the National Religious Camp. Their taciturnity demonstrates de facto acquiescence to abomination thus spiritually endangering the residents of Israel who are surrounded by terrorists and enemies. This also spiritually jeopardizes Jews worldwide.
Several years ago, Knesset members Meir Porush and Uri Ariel laid down in front of the parade to demonstrate at least token opposition to this sacrilege (disgrace). Why can’t all religious and traditional office holders, national and local, gather for the glory of G-d and send a worldwide message of Defending the Holy Land? They are also guilty of not addressing this blasphemy with appropriate legislation. Shame on them!
We turn to Christian groups and leaders worldwide, i.e. the Vatican, the various Patriarchs, Focus on the Family, Family Research Council, etc., to stand up and defend G-d’s Courtyard by bombarding the Israeli Prime Minister, Government officials and the mayor of Jerusalem with constant protest.
As for the Rabbinical Alliance, we urge continuous pressure on the Israeli government by Christian and religious potential tourists until the Israeli homosexualists decide: IS ISRAEL TO BE THE WORLD CAPITAL OF HOLINESS OR HOMOSEXUALITY?
Backgrounder: Orthodox Jews in New York and New Jersey have been vigorously opposing this parade and religious Jews in Israel have had their petitions to the Supreme Court ignored.