
Rabbi Levin: Hurricane: Global Warming or G-d’s Warning?

For Immediate Release
                                                                                                Nov. 2, 2012
                                                                                                Contact: Rabbi Yehuda Levin

Rabbi Levin: Hurricane: Global Warming or G-d’s Warning?

            Tens of billions in losses, 50 dead, scientists say that Sandy is the worst N.Y. hurricane in 800 years!  Some insurance policies still call this kind of occurance an ACT OF G-D. But where are our religio-conservative leaders to interpret what’s happening?

            Remember when Dr. Falwell and Dr. Pat Robertson attributed 9/11 to the homosexual agenda and abortion?  Guess our leaders have a huge problem doing that now.
            After all, the dirty secret they don’t tell us is that Romney supports homosexual adoption and Boy Scout leaders, homosexualization of the military, “domestic partnerships”/civil unions, homosexual K-12 mandated school curricula, homosexual youth day proclaimations, $50 taxpayer funded abortion in Massachussetts, and the list goes on. (Google Romney Deception and MassResistance.com).

            Here’s a question for Billy and Franklin Graham and all the religio-conservative leadership:
            Would your grandparents have ever dreamed of voting for Romney, if they had been aware of his atrocious pro-homosexual, pro-abortion record?  So has G-d changed?  Why aren’t you letting your followers know the truth?

            Here’s a traditional Jewish/Torah approach to the hurricane and the election:
1-G-d multitasks.  There are probably various reasons for the hurricane.  Each person should repent for his/her personal shortcomings.
2-Days after same gender marriage began in New York, we were hit by Hurricane Irene.  Days before the national election, (no significant repentance in NY or anywhere in the US,) Hurricane Sandy hits, further damaging our fragile economy.  In 2 days:  An earthquake in California, an “almost” tsunami in Alaska, Hawaii and Hurricane Sandy in the East.  Sleep on…
3-Daily, millions of Jews recite Psalms 147 & 148: (147)”He who dispatches His utterance earthward; how swiftly His Commandment runs! He who gives snow…scatters frost…hurls His ice…before His cold, who can stand?...He blows His wind…the water flows…”
(148) ‘He issued a decree, that will not change.  Praise G-d from the earth, sea giants and all the watery depths.  Fire & hail, snow & vapor, STORMY WIND FULFILLING HIS WORD!”

            History repeats itself.  (Genesis 6:11-12) The flood of Noah: And the earth was corrupted (liscentiousness) before G-d…And G-d saw…all flesh had perverted its way on the earth.”  Heterosexual excesses and homosexual misbehavior and unions (and thievery) were the final causes of the Flood.

            What should G-d fearing people do?

  1. Repent personal and communal transgressions.
  2. Defeat pro-homosexual union legislation and referenda especially in the states of Maine, Maryland, Minnesota and Washington.
  3. Do not vote for any candidate who supports an anti-G-d or anti-family agenda or legislation.

      If Obama wins and the Senate is Republican, they can act as a strong loyal opposition, hindering much of the Obama agenda.  However, if Romney (a wolf in sheep’s clothing) wins, even a Republican Congress will not significantly oppose Romney’s anti-family efforts.  The results would be morally and spiritually catastrophic.  It could be the end of the religio-conservative movement!

  1. Urge your conservative and religious leaders to speak out and lead!

Forward this statement to your e-mail lists and urge them to do the same.  We must defend His values.

            Rabbi Levin is available for interviews, etc., except for the Sabbath: Fri 5 PM-Sat 7PM EST.

            Over the last 3 decades, Rabbi Yehuda Levin has addressed the annual March for Life in Washington, D.C.  Levin ran for Mayor of New York in 1985 and has often represented the Union of Orthodox Rabbis and the Rabbinical Alliance of America, though he is not doing so for this op-ed.
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Brian C. said...

Levin, as a proud orthodox Jew, I am certain that you cause more anti-Semitism than any other person in North America. If your radical ideas are even remotely sound and based on the torah, I charge you to name one other rabbinical figure - even one that is not well-known or respected - that agrees with you. You are alone in your views. You have absolutely no basis to say that Hashem causes hurricanes to punish Americans for not vehemently fighting against homosexual agendas. For the sake of Am Yisroel, I am begging you to keep this nonsense to yourself.

Anonymous said...

Rabbi, I Know You Mean Well...The Attribution Of
This Monstrous Storm We Had...To Anything But Nature...Would Be Prepostrous...For Years The Scientists Have Been Talking About The Climate Change...& The Greenhouse Effect...The Ice Cap Has Been Melting At A Rapid Pace...Causing The Level Of Our Oceans To Rise...It Has Even Been Forewarned That The Melting Of The Iceburgs...
Will Eventually Cause Flooding In All Low Lying Areas...Including The Entire East Coast New York Included..A Great Portion Of Florida To Be Submerged...These Are Not Prophecies...These Are Scientific Facts...Man Is Destroying Himself..For Not Obeying The Laws Of Nature... It's Not If It Is Going To Happen But When...

Anonymous said...

Didn't God allow the Temple to be destroyed because of sinat chinam? So maybe the hurricane is Divine punishment for YOUR baseless hatred of people who don't share your beliefs.

Anonymous said...

Stand strong, Rabbi. God is not mocked. You speak truth and those with their heads in the sand do not see or understand. None so blind as those who will not see.

PinnyGold said...

So a state in which gay marriage was VETOED by its governor should be spared this monstrous anti-gay Sandy?
Oops! NJ was hit WORSE than NY...
And your "logic" fails again...

Anonymous said...

Dear Rabbi,

According to this link from the LGBT Nation, they don't support Romney because of his anti-gay policies.


This video confirms Romney's views on gay marriage -- that marriage should be between man and woman.



Thank you.

Anonymous said...

I agree with what Brian C. said above

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Karla said...

Hello nice post

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